| Awarded a prestigious POPULAR MECHANICS Breakthrough Award in 2006, this warm air residential heating system also generates electric power. We recently installed one of Climate Energy's co-generation systems in the Federal manor, Howard Hall Farm. This was the first home in New York to get one, and after visiting the showroom, and exploring the advantages of this integrated efficiency system, many of our other clients are following suit. At the moment, we are consulting for Wilderstein on a green energy system for the house. By combining innovative technology such as this one with enduring historic processes, we dramatically increase the efficiency of historic buildings to conserve natural resources, and reduce CO2 emissions.
To schedule an appointment to view a FREEWATT SYSTEM on site in Athens, N.Y., call 518.945.1253 or email: RestoringGreen@gmail.com |
| j j j Soy Gel is an industrial strength stain, varnish, and urethane remover made with 100% American-grown soybeans. It contains no methylene chloride, is not an alkalide based stripper and cleans p easily with water. The low evaporation rate of SOY Gel and its gel formulation make it possible to remove several layers of paint in one application. During the removal of lead based paint, lead becomes encapsulated in the gel, preventing airborne lead particles, allowing for safe and easy disposal. j
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| j j Soy insulation seals a structure's thermal envelope, making it more durable, healthier, and more energy efficient than traditionally insulated homes. When used in conjunction with other energy efficient restoration materials, homeowners will use much less energy maintaining perfect temperatures in every season, enabling them to save up to 50% on energy costs. In addition to being energy efficient, Soy Insulation is made from soy bean oil, which is an annually renewable resource, making it the most environmentally responsible insulating material on the market. j j j
| "Limewash is a traditional material that has been used for thousands of years. Unlike modern paints, which lay on the surface of the substrate, limewash instead acts like a stain by penetrating deep into the pores of the underlying material. This process creates a peel-free, breathable surface, and the limewash remains vapor permeable after it cures. It is a beautiful, traditional material that mellows while it gradually wears away, and over time it develops the weathered patina that characterizes the Old-World charm of Europe."
| From Imperial Rome to 11th Century Mayan Cities, lime was used to plaster floors at least as early as 9,000 B.C., and the tradition was continued by our ancestors in Colonial America. The fact that lime plasters, renders, stuccos, and washes have lasted to this day gives building lime an 11,000 year track record that is unmatched today. With the renewed interest in green technology, environmentally friendly lime plaster is enjoying new popularity in modern homes. "A true lime plaster has the unique quality of reflecting multi-nuances of color, enhanced by the varied angles of sunlight reflected throughout the day...having finally realized our impact on global warming, the use of lime plaster will save approximately 80% of the CO2 release compared to ordinary stucco. One single residence will save between 5,000 and 10,000 lbs. of CO2 emissions. Each year in the US alone, environmentally conscientious builders are saving several millions of CO2 release by simply avoiding the use of cement-based products, and choosing Natural Hydraulic Lime instead." From Building Green
| In an effort to make historic restoration and green technology education more accessible, Design and Project Management Studio and Howard Hall Farm have entered into a collaboration to offer restoration workshops. Howard Hall Farm is both an historic restoration project and a vehicle for educating people in sustainable, environmentally conscious restoration techniques. The site of their learning laboratory is a 1780 Federal stone manor in the heart of the Hudson River Valley. Many of our consultants and restoration specialists are also instructors in the Green Restoration Workshop Series. To view a complete listing of their course offerings, CLICK HERE.